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Marrakech, Morrocco

For my 40th birthday, my husband and I traveled to Morrocco. I had always wanted to go there- the country just had this vibe- it was so brazen and boldly colorful that I felt like it had been seducing me for years. I wasn’t wrong, Marrakech is the sultriest city I’ve ever visited. The air was thick with Jasmine and Amber incense. When women passed me, they left the smell of rose water and fresh oranges in their wake. Great loops of Fuschia and Sunshine Yellow yarn hung between stucco walls.

There was music everywhere. In the night market, cobras danced out of bakets and voices rung out in French, Arabic, and accented English. During the Call to Prayer, birds flew from their roosts to be closer to the heavens. Our guide took me to an unnamed, secret place, not for tourists- a long Avenue lined with stores and stalls hawking fabric. I have never in all my life seen such sumptuous weaves or luminous wefts. The brocades rolled out on each concrete floor like a train for a Bride or a Queen. My time there was precious, and these are the colors that take me right back to that beautiful place.

Would you like to explore to Marrakech?

As you can see from these examples, I begin my work with a specific memory. Here is a Yarn Story about a trip to Morocco for my 40th birthday. I begin by pouring over personal photos. The memory moves closer to the surface. I recall specific details that may or may not have been captured by my camera.

This color story is retired


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